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A little called anything shows shudders, 2015
A little called anything shows shudders, 2015

gouache on canvas / 14 x 11 1/8"

Gertrude (a stencil), 2015
Gertrude (a stencil), 2015

gouache on newsprint / 7 3/4 x 7 1/2"

Spread into nothing, 2015
Spread into nothing, 2015

gouache on paper / 9 x 6"

White expanded limitless, 2015
White expanded limitless, 2015

gouache on paper / 9 x 6"

A spectacle and nothing strange, 2015
A spectacle and nothing strange, 2015

gouache on paper / 9 x 6"

There is no use and the respect is mutual, 2015
There is no use and the respect is mutual, 2015

gouache on paper / 9 x 6"

All this is good, 2015
All this is good, 2015

gouache on paper / 9 x 6"

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And then there was Now, 2015
And then there was Now, 2015

archival print, hand-cut and folded

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Truth sucker, 2015
Truth sucker, 2015

glazed raku / 10 x 7 1/5"

Collection, 2015
Collection, 2015

several stoneware pots with succulents

IMG_5889 (1).jpg
A little called anything shows shudders, 2015
Gertrude (a stencil), 2015
Spread into nothing, 2015
White expanded limitless, 2015
A spectacle and nothing strange, 2015
There is no use and the respect is mutual, 2015
All this is good, 2015
IMG_5880 (1).jpg
And then there was Now, 2015
IMG_5888 (1).jpg
Truth sucker, 2015
Collection, 2015
A little called anything shows shudders, 2015

gouache on canvas / 14 x 11 1/8"

Gertrude (a stencil), 2015

gouache on newsprint / 7 3/4 x 7 1/2"

Spread into nothing, 2015

gouache on paper / 9 x 6"

White expanded limitless, 2015

gouache on paper / 9 x 6"

A spectacle and nothing strange, 2015

gouache on paper / 9 x 6"

There is no use and the respect is mutual, 2015

gouache on paper / 9 x 6"

All this is good, 2015

gouache on paper / 9 x 6"

And then there was Now, 2015

archival print, hand-cut and folded

Truth sucker, 2015

glazed raku / 10 x 7 1/5"

Collection, 2015

several stoneware pots with succulents

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